Copying characteristics for Multi-Vendor

The module copies the characteristics of products from the categories of one vendor and transfers them into categories to another vendor. The administrator selects the characteristics and copies them to another category he needs.

Products are uploaded via the CommerceML channel from 1C to a seller who may have the required characteristics.


Suitable for stores with a large number of sellers, where standardization of display and product hierarchy is required.

  • Clothing stores;
  • Electrical catalogs;
  • Pet supplies;
  • Sports Equipment.

  • Allows you to select the characteristics of stores to copy;
  • Copies characteristics.


1. To configure a module, go to the "Modules" tab, in the pop-up menu, select "Modules Management" and the "MAURISWEB" section.

2. In the list that opens, select the module you are interested in and click on its name, highlighted in blue or black.

3. On the page that opens, go to the "Licensing" section and in the "License key" field enter the license key that is available in your account at in the list of purchased modules and also sent to you by e-mail.

4. In the "Available domains" and "Test domains" sections, check the correctness of the specified domains. You can add additional domains by clicking on the white "Add Domain" button on the right side of the page. The total number of domains should not exceed three.

5. Go down below, select the "Basic settings" section and tick the box "Save data when removing the module" so as not to lose them when reinstalling the module.

6. Save the module settings by clicking on the blue "Save" button at the top right of the panel.


1. To copy characteristics, go to the "Products" tab, select the "Characteristics" section and the "Copy characteristics" subsection.

2. On the page that opens, expand the list under "Where to copy from" and select a category from which to copy.

3. Go to "Where to copy" and select the category to copy to.

4. When you are finished, click the blue New button in the upper right corner of the panel.

5. When you hover the mouse over the right side of the field, three editing buttons will appear: "Add" (a button in the form of a plus), "Copy" (overlaid files) and "Delete" (cross). Use them to create, copy or delete.

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