Software products
Software products
MWP Enterprise
DBS Seller stores the goods, collects the order, delivers to the buyer: Delivery by Seller - for Russia and some EAEU countries
Module package "DBS Seller stores the goods, collects the order, delivers to the buyer: Delivery by Seller - for Russia and some EAEU countries" We offer you a new set of modules that will make the management of the marketplace simpler and more efficient due to the maximum automation of the...
License type
Multi-Vendor RUS ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor Plus , Multi-Vendor RUS Plus , Multi-Vendor ULTIMATE
MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6
Compatibility with versions
67 000
85 000
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Logistics: fulfillment, cross docking, your own storage, PVZ points [CLONE]
Module "Logistics: fulfillment, crossdocking, your own storage, PVZ points" for the marketplace The module is designed for working with the marketplace in the format of fulfillment, crossdocking, dropshipping, or trading from your storage. The model of work with fulfillment...
License type
CS-Cart Ultimate , CS-Cart
MySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6, Percona Server - 8.0
Compatibility with versions
4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
5 500
10 000
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Delivery of PRO plus via the integrator of delivery services and transport companies ApiShip for the online store CS-Cart
ApiShip is, perhaps, the largest consolidator of transport companies, facilitating the interaction of an online store with delivery services. He united more than 40 transport companies. Our module integrates the ApiShip service into the website of your online store, thanks to which your...
License type
CS-Cart , CS-Cart Ultimate
MySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6, Percona Server - 8.0
Compatibility with versions
4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
3 500
5 000
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Russian Acquiring – more than 20 banks, online cash register, OFD, payment via Visa; MasterCard; Mir, UnionPay; SBP for CS-Cart Multi-Vendor marketplace
Russian Acquiring – more than 20 banks, online cash register, OFD, payment via Visa, MasterCard, Mir, UnionPay, SBP for CS-Cart Multi-Vendor marketplace Features: Holding payment by card, saving payment cards, SBP, preauthorization of SBP, automatic change of statuses by event from the bank,...
License type
Multi-Vendor, Multi-Vendor RUS , Multi-Vendor Plus , Multi-Vendor RUS Plus , Multi-Vendor ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor RUS ULTIMATE , CS-Cart Ultimate , CS-Cart
MySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MySQL-8.1, MariaDB-10.6
Compatibility with versions
4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
5 000
8 500
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Russian Acquiring – more than 20 banks, online cash register, OFD, payment via Visa; MasterCard; Mir, UnionPay; SBP for CS-Cart Multi-Vendor marketplace [CLONE]
Russian Acquiring – more than 20 banks, online cash register, OFD, payment via Visa, MasterCard, Mir, UnionPay, SBP for CS-Cart Multi-Vendor marketplace Features: Holding payment by card, saving payment cards, SBP, preauthorization of SBP, automatic change of statuses by event from the bank,...
License type
CS-Cart , Multi-Vendor RUS ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor Plus , CS-Cart Ultimate , Multi-Vendor, Multi-Vendor RUS , Multi-Vendor ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor RUS Plus
MySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MySQL-8.1, MariaDB-10.6
Compatibility with versions
4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
5 000
8 500
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Warehouses and Logistics: FBO, FBO+, DBS, DBS for CMS CS-Cart Marketplace
Module "Logistics: fullfillment, crossdocking, own warehouse, points of PVZ" for CMS CS-Cart own online store The module is designed for the marketplace to work on the format of full-fielding, crossdocking, dropshipping or trading from its own warehouse. 1) Formation of individual...
License type
Multi-Vendor Plus , Multi-Vendor RUS , Multi-Vendor RUS ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor RUS Plus , Multi-Vendor
MySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6, Percona Server - 8.0
Compatibility with versions
4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
7 500
12 000
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Delivery of PRO plus via the integrator of delivery services and transport companies ApiShip for the marketplace CS-Cart Multi-Vendor
Delivery of PRO plus Multi-Vendor via the integrator of delivery services and transport companies ApiShip for the marketplace ApiShip is the largest consolidator of transport companies, which facilitates the delivery process for marketplaces. It unites more than 40 delivery services,...
License type
Multi-Vendor Plus , Multi-Vendor RUS , Multi-Vendor ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor RUS ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor RUS Plus , Multi-Vendor
MySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6, Percona Server - 8.0
Compatibility with versions
4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
3 500
5 000
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Production calendar and working time accounting
Calendar time tracking for CS-Cart and CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Working and non-working hours For the store, the speed of delivery of goods to the buyer is of great importance, therefore, as a rule, the contract with the sellers clearly regulates how long the seller is obliged to ship the...
License type
Multi-Vendor RUS , Multi-Vendor Plus , Multi-Vendor RUS Plus , Multi-Vendor ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor RUS ULTIMATE , CS-Cart Ultimate , CS-Cart , Multi-Vendor
MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6
Compatibility with versions
4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
3 500
5 900
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DBS Boxberry: The seller stores the goods, collects the order, delivers it to the buyer: Delivery by Seller
Пакет модулей «DBS Продавец хранит товар, собирает заказ, доставляет до покупателя: Delivery by Seller - для России и некоторых стран ЕАЭС» Мы предлагаем вам новый комплект модулей, который позволит сделать управление маркетплейсом более простым и эффективным за счет максимальной...
License type
Multi-Vendor RUS Plus , Multi-Vendor RUS ULTIMATE
MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6
Compatibility with versions
4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
Contact us for a price
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Creating templates of delivery method settings for CS-Cart Multi-Vendor marketplace
Templates for transport companies for the marketplace The module "Creating templates for delivery method settings" is a convenient and simple tool that allows you to save time and money, and for sellers to reduce the time between registration and the start of sales. You can create a...
License type
Multi-Vendor, Multi-Vendor RUS ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor RUS , Multi-Vendor Plus , Multi-Vendor RUS Plus , Multi-Vendor ULTIMATE
MySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6, Percona Server - 8.0
Compatibility with versions
4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
3 000
4 200
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Registration and authorization of the buyer and seller on the website by E-mail, Telegram, CMC, ML, Viber, Mobile push for CMS CS-Cart Marketplaces
Registration and authorization of buyer and seller on the website by E-mail, Telegram, SMS, VK, Mobile push for CMS CS-Cart Marketplaces Email Confirmation When registering, the buyer specifies the email address. At the same time, he can specify someone else's mail, or a...
License type
Multi-Vendor RUS , Multi-Vendor Plus , Multi-Vendor RUS Plus , Multi-Vendor ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor RUS ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor, CS-Cart Ultimate , CS-Cart
MySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6, Percona Server - 8.0
Compatibility with versions
4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
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Sendsay is a Russian integrated solution for marketing automation, working with buyers and sellers on the website by E-mail, Telegram, CMC, VK, Viber, Mobile push for CMS CS-Cart Online Stores and Marketplaces
Sendsay is a Russian integrated marketing automation solution for working with buyers and sellers on the website by E-mail, Telegram, SMS, VK, Viber, Mobile push for CMS CS-Cart Marketplaces Bonuses of integration with the Sendsay service Mass mailing of emails, Mass mailing to...
License type
Multi-Vendor Plus , CS-Cart Ultimate , Multi-Vendor, Multi-Vendor RUS , Multi-Vendor RUS Plus , CS-Cart , Multi-Vendor RUS ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor ULTIMATE
MySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6, Percona Server - 8.0
Compatibility with versions
4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
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Tilda HTML constructor for CS-Cart
TILDA HTML CONSTRUCTOR MODULE FOR CS-CART By synchronizing work with the Tilda constructor, the module makes it possible to easily and quickly make up pages. This is a new way to create websites where the process is like a game. Now everyone is a designer, if there is a passion for what...
License type
CS-Cart , CS-Cart Ultimate
MySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6, Percona Server - 8.0
Compatibility with versions
4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
3 000
5 000
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Site protection from DDoS attacks by DDoS-Guard service for CS-Cart and CS-Cart Multi-Vendor
Enabling the "Site protection from DDoS attacks" service is: Free CDN, Traffic filtering at L3-L7 OSI levels, No hidden charges . It will help to save profits and reduce the bounce rate Page loading speed and site availability are the main advantages that allow you to...
License type
Multi-Vendor, Multi-Vendor RUS , Multi-Vendor Plus , Multi-Vendor RUS Plus , Multi-Vendor ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor RUS ULTIMATE , CS-Cart Ultimate , CS-Cart
MySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6, Percona Server - 8.0
Compatibility with versions
4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
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HTML design constructor for CS-Cart
The module allows you to easily and quickly typeset site pages using the constructor. You can easily create simple and intuitive sites.
MySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6, Percona Server - 8.0
Compatibility with versions
4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
24 000
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HTML CONSTRUCTOR Tilda for CS-Cart Multi-Vendor
TILDA HTML CONSTRUCTOR MODULE FOR CS-CART MULTI-VENDOR By synchronizing work with the Tilda constructor, the module makes it possible to easily and quickly make up pages. This is a new way to create websites where the process is like a game. Now everyone is a designer, if there is a passion...
License type
Multi-Vendor Plus , Multi-Vendor RUS , Multi-Vendor RUS ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor RUS Plus , Multi-Vendor
MySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6, Percona Server - 8.0
Compatibility with versions
4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
3 000
5 000
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HTML design constructor for Multi-Vendor
The module allows you to easily and quickly typeset site pages using the constructor. You can easily create simple and intuitive sites.
License type
Multi-Vendor RUS Plus , Multi-Vendor Plus , Multi-Vendor RUS , Multi-Vendor RUS ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor
MySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6, Percona Server - 8.0
Compatibility with versions
4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
24 000
30 000
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Contract Execution module for CS-Cart
The module allows you to create an agreement for the buyer based on the selected order.
License type
CS-Cart , CS-Cart Ultimate
MySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6, Percona Server - 8.0
Compatibility with versions
4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
3 000
5 000
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Commercial offer for CS-Cart
The module simplifies the creation of a commercial proposal by generating it on the basis of a product or a comparison list.
License type
CS-Cart , CS-Cart Ultimate
MySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6, Percona Server - 8.0
Compatibility with versions
4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
1 500
2 000
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Personal account for the vendor (constructor for the marketplace)
THE VENDOR'S PERSONAL ACCOUNT CONSTRUCTOR MODULE To register a seller, the administrator needs to get a lot of different documents. For example, TIN number, TIN scan, submit a contract, get a scan of the received document, constituent documents (information about employees, information...
License type
Multi-Vendor RUS , Multi-Vendor Plus , Multi-Vendor RUS ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor RUS Plus , Multi-Vendor
MySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6, Percona Server - 8.0
Compatibility with versions
4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
2 500
3 800
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The composition of the goods for the online store on CS-Cart
Module "Composition of goods" for an online store on CS-Cart The module allows you to create compositions from products. You can create four types of compositions: A composition in which all products and the price are rigidly set by the seller; A composition with a variable price, in...
License type
CS-Cart , CS-Cart Ultimate
MySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6, Percona Server - 8.0
Compatibility with versions
4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
1 400
2 000
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Contract Execution module for Multi-Vendor
The module enters into a contract with the vendor on the condition of using the marketplace. The agreement is formed from the merchant's personal account. The seller can form a contract for the buyer on behalf of its legal entity (the functionality is added via privileges).
License type
Multi-Vendor RUS Plus , Multi-Vendor Plus , Multi-Vendor RUS , Multi-Vendor RUS ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor
MySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6, Percona Server - 8.0
Compatibility with versions
4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
3 000
5 000
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Commercial offer from seller and marketplace administrator
The module simplifies the creation of a commercial proposal by generating it on the basis of a product or a comparison list.
License type
Multi-Vendor RUS Plus , Multi-Vendor Plus , Multi-Vendor RUS , Multi-Vendor RUS ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor
MySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6, Percona Server - 8.0
Compatibility with versions
4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
1 700
2 500
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"Help" menu for buyer and store administrator
MODULE "HELP MENU" FOR THE BUYER AND THE ADMINISTRATOR OF CS-Cart The module forms a single page with the address "Help", where the buyer enters and sees a list of documents in the tree with the functionality "read next", "next page", "go back to the previous one". The administrator also sees...
License type
CS-Cart , CS-Cart Ultimate
MySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6, Percona Server - 8.0
Compatibility with versions
4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
1 200
1 700
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Hints on the admin pages. panels for CS-Cart
Tips for the administrator of the online store in the administrative panel of the site The module allows you to create hints for administrators to any place in the administrative panel of the site. The hint can be short and succinct, containing only text, or it can include a detailed...
License type
CS-Cart , CS-Cart Ultimate
MySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6, Percona Server - 8.0
Compatibility with versions
4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
1 500
2 000
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