E-mail about the order for the buyer on behalf of the marketplace for CS-Cart Multi-Vendor


This product is electronically distributed.

License typeMulti-Vendor Plus , Multi-Vendor ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor RUS ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor RUS Plus , Multi-Vendor, Multi-Vendor RUS MySQLMySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6, Percona Server - 8.0 PHPPHP 8.1, PHP 8.0, PHP 7.4 Compatibility with versions4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
15 000 
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Test period
Adding new functionality

The module blocks sending messages to customers on behalf of the seller and replaces with its own template messages on behalf of the marketplace

By default, after the purchase, the buyer receives a message with information on behalf of the seller, who is posted on CS-Cart Multi-Vendor and has actually sold his product. But since the marketplace invests its money in advertising, it is not very reasonable to engage in the PR of the seller's brand in the PR of its brand. The module changes the format of communication with customers and sends messages on behalf of the marketplace. 


Up-to-date information about changes in the functionality of the module, as well as compatibility with other modules, is published in our Telegram channel and in the group VKONTAKTE

Telegram t.me/maurisweb 


You can submit a request to the support service, ask questions to the managers about the work or completion of the module via messengers, the groupVKONTAKTE and mail.

- WhatsApp +7-923-364-90-07

- Telegram  t.me/mauriswebru

- Telegram  +7-923-364-90-07

- VKONTAKTEvk.com/maurisweb

- E-mail: info@maurisweb.ru

Detailed step-by-step instructions for the module can be found in the "Instructions" section

License type
  • Multi-Vendor ,
  • Multi-Vendor Plus ,
  • Multi-Vendor RUS ,
  • Multi-Vendor RUS Plus ,
  • Multi-Vendor RUS ULTIMATE ,
  • Multi-Vendor ULTIMATE
  • MySQL-5.7 ,
  • MySQL-8.0 ,
  • MariaDB-10.6 ,
  • Percona Server - 8.0
  • PHP 8.1 ,
  • PHP 8.0 ,
  • PHP 7.4
Compatibility with versions
  • 4.15 ,
  • 4.16 ,
  • 4.17 ,
  • 4.18

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