Warehouses and Logistics: FBO, FBO+, DBS, DBS for CMS CS-Cart Marketplace


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License typeMulti-Vendor RUS Plus , Multi-Vendor, Multi-Vendor RUS ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor Plus , Multi-Vendor RUS , Multi-Vendor ULTIMATE MySQLMySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6, Percona Server - 8.0 PHPPHP 8.1, PHP 8.0, PHP 7.4 Compatibility with versions4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
7 500 
List price: 12 000  -38%
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Module "Logistics: fulfillment, crossdocking, own warehouse, PVZ points" for CMS CS-Cart Multi-Vendor

The module integrates the warehouses of the seller and the marketplace into the administrative panel of the site. We have been developing this large and multifunctional module since 2020, and with each new addition it becomes more interesting and more functional.

With our module, you can create warehouses on the site in just a few clicks, both manually and during the import of goods from the warehouse accounting program. Create different warehouses for different categories of goods that require special storage, delivery or document management conditions. Move goods between warehouses, automatically forming an application for acceptance and other documents. Working with warehouses has never been so easy and convenient.

Billing and monetization

The regular billing functionality implies that each seller is charged a commission for the sale of goods. However, monetization of the marketplace is a complex and multifaceted task. It is not always convenient and profitable to work according to this business model.

Today, most of the major marketplaces, such as Ozon, WildBerries and Yandex.Market, work according to other schemes, primarily based on various logistics schemes.

The Logistics module allows you to implement a variety of scenarios for the delivery of goods to the buyer:

  • Self-delivery: the seller delivers the goods independently. The warehouse is configured so that the goods from it are displayed only in the region where the seller's warehouse is located, buyers from other regions will not see the goods from this warehouse.
  • Delivery throughout the country: the warehouse is configured so that the goods from it are displayed throughout the country. The buyer purchases the goods, the seller packs the order and transfers it to a third-party delivery service. The delivery service carries the order to the final buyer. In this case, the possibility of delivery of the order depends on the size and weight of the box.
  • Bulky goods: a warehouse is being set up for the storage of bulky goods, delivery methods are being created for it from transport companies engaged in the transportation of such goods.
  • Sale of goods according to the cross-docking model: the seller's warehouse is linked to the cross-docking warehouse of the marketplace. In the cards of all goods from warehouses configured in this way, the same warehouse is indicated: the marketplace warehouse. After the buyer places an order, the seller receives a task to assemble the order, collects the goods and delivers them to the marketplace warehouse in any convenient way. The marketplace repacks orders, collects goods from different sellers and from different warehouses into one order and delivers them to the buyer. In this case, it is important to strictly regulate the work of sellers: in what time he must confirm the order, collect and deliver the goods to the marketplace. For example, a day for order preparation and a day for delivery to the marketplace warehouse.
  • Delivery to other countries: for the delivery of orders abroad, it is necessary to issue completely different documents than for delivery in the country. Therefore, in this case, a separate warehouse is also created.
  • Fast delivery: this is what delivery is called within a few hours after placing an order. The peculiarity of such delivery is that the life of the order from the moment of registration to the start of delivery is extremely small. You need to confirm the order literally within a few minutes. Then, in the same short time, it is necessary to collect the order and transfer it to delivery. Some taxi services support the delivery service, in this case the car is delivered within 3-8 minutes after the application is made. During this time, you need to assemble and pack the order. This imposes its own limitations: all products must be in stock and in direct access of employees. You understand that if the range of products is too high: it is simply impossible to find the right one in 25 thousand positions in a few minutes.
To implement any of these scenarios, it will be necessary to connect additional modules: integration of payment services, transport companies, and so on.

Physical and virtual warehouses

Any number of virtual warehouses can correspond to each physical warehouse of the marketplace or seller in the administrative panel. This is necessary so that you can create different settings for different categories of goods stored in the same warehouse.

So, you can store both large and medium-sized goods in the same warehouse, but for large-sized goods you need to set up separate delivery methods. Therefore, two warehouses are created in the administrative panel: medium-sized goods are brought to one and standard delivery methods are configured, and large-sized goods will be listed on the second and separate delivery methods from transport companies that can transport large-sized goods are configured for it.

Customize your logistics for each warehouse, work like large and successful market players.

Types of warehouses in the Logistics module

To implement any work scenarios, we have divided warehouses into several types, each of which has its own peculiarities of operation and settings.

  • PVZ,
  • Shop,
  • The store's warehouse (for trading from its warehouse, cross-docking and for deliveries to fulfillment),
  • Seller's cross-docking warehouse,
  • Seller's fulfillment warehouse,
  • Marketplace cross-docking warehouse,
  • Marketplace fulfillment warehouse.


The order pick-up point is displayed in the checkout, allowing the buyer to choose where it is more convenient for him to pick up the order. However, the PVZ does not provide for the storage of goods: we received the order, notified the buyer, issued the goods, forgot. If the goods were not delivered to the buyer within the specified period, they are returned to the warehouse. The functionality works in tandem with the standard PVZ module.


It can work both in the PVZ format and in the storage format. Here it is possible both to issue orders to the buyer and to work with external deliveries.

Store warehouse

The warehouse supports only the storage of goods and work with delivery services. The module supports three types of store warehouse. Pickup from this warehouse is not possible.

Trade from your warehouse

The seller stores the goods in his warehouse, collects and packs the order himself and delivers it to the final buyer or transfers the order to the delivery service.

Cross-docking warehouse

The seller stores the goods in his warehouse, collects the goods for the orders made and brings them to the warehouse of the marketplace. Warehouse employees collect goods from different sellers in one order, pack them and send them to the final buyer.

Warehouse for fullfilment supplies

Products from this warehouse are not displayed in the showcase. This warehouse only supports the formation of an application for the delivery of goods to the marketplace warehouse.

Creating warehouses

We have made the interface for adding a warehouse simpler and clearer. Different types of warehouses are highlighted in colors, which allows you to quickly navigate the situation and not make annoying mistakes. Warehouses can also be created automatically when imported from warehouse accounting programs.

Functionality and settings of the module

The Logistics module is a universal tool. Flexible configuration of both the module itself and each individual warehouse makes it possible to implement any logistics scheme. Module settings and warehouse administration will not require any special knowledge and skills from either your employees or the seller. The interface is intuitive and simple.

Warehouse categories

The warehouse category limits the goods that can be stored in this warehouse. You can limit it by several important parameters:

  • Category,
  • Maximum and/or minimum weight,
  • Maximum and/or minimum dimensions,
  • Maximum and/or minimum volume,
  • Maximum and/or minimum price.

The division of warehouses into different categories is necessary because different categories of goods require different storage and delivery conditions. The simplest example is medium and large–sized goods. There are no problems with medium-sized goods either in terms of storage or delivery. Any warehouse and any delivery service will be suitable for this.

To store bulky goods, certain conditions are needed in the warehouse. In addition, only some transport companies work with bulky cargo. Accordingly, it is necessary to create separate delivery methods for them.

The situation is similar with jewelry. The legislation requires compliance with certain protective measures when transporting jewelry: safe packages, security, increased insurance, and so on. The number of transport companies that meet these conditions is limited.

At the same time, when selling an ordinary T-shirt or a book, there is absolutely no need to display delivery methods for bulky goods or jewelry in the checkout.

Therefore, warehouses are divided into categories, and their own delivery services are configured for each warehouse.

If a product by mistake, for example, during import, gets into a warehouse whose category it does not match, the seller and the marketplace administrator receive a notification about the need to move the goods to a suitable warehouse. The interface itself will prompt you to select the desired products and move them.

Tariff zones

Tariff zones are configured for each warehouse separately. Due to this, goods from each warehouse are displayed only in those regions where the seller can deliver them.

For example, the seller's warehouse is located in Novosibirsk. The seller delivers the goods by his own delivery service. Naturally, he will not take the goods to Moscow or Khabarovsk. It is long, inconvenient and not profitable, and neither the seller nor the buyer.

When setting up, the seller specifies the tariff zone – Novosibirsk region. And his goods are seen only by residents of the Novosibirsk region. They will not be shown in Moscow or even in Krasnoyarsk.

Delivery Services

Delivery services are also configured separately for each warehouse. The delivery service is selected based on the location of the warehouse, tariff zone, warehouse category, and so on.

For example, there is a warehouse in the regional center where bulky goods are stored and delivered only in the city and region. This means that it makes sense to set up only a few delivery services for this warehouse that work in the region and are ready to carry bulky cargo. And another warehouse is located in the capital, ordinary goods of medium size and without storage and delivery features are stored there, and the seller is ready to deliver goods throughout the country. Then you can set up almost any services and delivery methods for this warehouse, let the buyer choose the most convenient option for him.

Warehouse price

In the module settings, you can specify that the priority price is considered to be the price specified for the warehouse, and not the main one specified in the product card. This allows you to take into account logistics, for example, the price for different warehouses may be different, since the price for the regional center includes the cost of delivery. Or goods from different batches purchased at different prices may be stored in different warehouses.

Creating a purchase order

The module automates the formation of an application for the supply of goods for fulfillment. The seller enters the warehouse, selects the goods that he is going to take to the marketplace warehouse, indicates which warehouse the delivery will be delivered to and when he plans to do it. The application specifies the number of boxes and pallets, the list of goods, the responsible manager, as well as information about how the cargo will be delivered: by the seller's own transport or by a third-party transport company. If it is necessary to issue a pass in advance to enter the warehouse, then the application also specifies the data necessary for issuing a pass: the full name of the driver, the vehicle number, and so on.

After filling out, the application gets to the administrator of the marketplace, and he either confirms it, or agrees with the seller a more convenient time and other details. After approval, the data in the application changes, and the administrator confirms it. The module automatically generates all the accompanying documents for the delivery, they just need to be printed out and put in the boxes.

From the moment the application is created until the moment of acceptance at the marketplace warehouse, the goods from this batch are in reserve, they are not displayed on the showcase, and they cannot be bought. After the car arrives at the warehouse of the marketplace, and the warehouse staff accepts the goods and puts them in the warehouse, the goods will appear on the showcase with the opportunity to buy them from the Lada marketplace.

To solve force majeure situations, we have added the ability to edit the remnants of goods in the marketplace warehouse. This feature is configured in the module settings.

Product card and checkout

The names of warehouses in the administrative panel, in the product card and in the checkout may differ for the convenience of the administrator, seller and buyer. So, it is important for the seller and the administrator to understand what kind of warehouse we are talking about, where it is located, what category it has, and so on. The most important parameters can be specified in the name of the warehouse.

But for the buyer, all this information is not important, and it is not clear. For them, the names of warehouses should be, first of all, simple, understandable and informative. So, our customers for a warehouse that worked with supplies from China indicated the delivery time in the name of the warehouse.

You can also set up a convenient display of warehouses in the product card: in the form of a drop-down list or switches.

For checkout, we have changed the display of the list of products. In order for the buyer to understand which goods will go from where to him, we have divided the list of goods by warehouses. The buyer sees what is being transported from where, and consciously chooses the delivery method for each warehouse.


The order displays information not only about the goods and delivery methods, but also about which warehouse the goods were purchased from.


Для покупателей во всех магазинах со скидками кросс-докинга указывается в каче-стве скидаранения указывается единый тариф маркет-плей. А для того, чтобы при этом в чекауте отображалось корректные время и стоимость доставки, есть дополнительные настройки. < / p>

Дело в том, что при оформлении заказа предварительный расчет стоимости и время доставки зависит от времени доставки. А по кросс-докингу товары сначала нужно доставить со склада продавцов до склада маркетплейса. < / p>

Настрой модулятора призван научить этого человека. Например, по регламенту продавец обязан в течение суток после оформления заказа подтвердить наличие товаров и подготовить заказ. Еще за сутки ему нужно доставить его на склад маркетплейса. Дальше сам маркетплейса еще сутки сортирует заказы и подготавливает их к передачи в транспортную компанию. Соответственно, в настройках указываются дополнительные три дня на доставку. И, если службе доставки на доставку требуется 4 дня, в чекауте будет отображаться срок в 7 дней, с учетом доставки до склада маркетплейса. < / p>

Анальгетически можно быть настороже и получить доступ к настройкам: если необходимо ограничить доступ к настройкам до склада Маркет-плейса, так же, как и получать доступ к покупателю, эта возможность поможет автоматически добавляться к возможности установки отладки маркет-плей. < / p>

Трикодер тов

Возможно, это добавит для товароведения трикодом. Если продавец при создании товара не добавляет штрихкод, модуль автоматически генерирует уникальный штрихкод. В настройках модуля вы можете указать префикс, который будет добавлен к штрихкоду. < / p>

"Трикод" может быть изменен в ручную для каждого пользователя или массово, или через программное обеспечение, или с помощью встроенных файлов CSV, XML или YML.

<р>Если продавец изначально не добавил свои штрихкоды, и они были сгенерированы автоматически, а в дальнейшем продавец решил заменить сгенерированные штрихкоды, он может это сделать просто и быстро: сначала экспортировать товары, в полученном файле заменить штрихкоды на свои, а затем импортировать уже с новыми штрихкодами. < / p>


Любые действия, которые необходимо предпринять, чтобы не поддаваться искушению, или не смотреть на то, что может произойти в заполярье, пол или настрой. Поэтому мы добавили в модуль «Логистика» модерацию. < / p>

После создания продукта, он предлагает на выбор. Склад будет активен только после того, как администратор проверит склад, убедиться, что адрес заполнен корректно, все настройки выставлены правильно. < / p>

Администратор может заранье настро-итьблонные ответы с описанием наболевших частичек ойбока или с советами по дальней настройке административный панельщик представил. Это существенно ускоряет запуск магазина продавца, а значит, повышает прибыль маркетплейса. В случае необходимости, комментарий можно написать вручную с учетом сложившейся ситуации. < / p>

Модуль «Логика» полностьюавтоматизирует работу со скидами, делает ее простой и понятной. 

Для версии Cs-Cart  Мультивендор RUS (Российской конъюгурации) доступен дополнительный функционал для загрузки товаров

Выгрузка осуществляется из программной базы данных «1С»: UT, UN, ERP и другие приложения, которые доступны, а также из стандартного модуля «Расширенный импорт» (CSV, XML, YML). «Мой склад», «Бизнес.Ру» - это дополнительный труд, который не требуется.


Актуальная информация об изме- нении юнкера модуляла, а так же о совместимости с друзьями модулями публикуется в нашем Telegram-канале и в группе ВКОНТАКТЕ

Telegram t.me/maurisweb  

ВКОНТАКТЕ vk.com/maurisweb

Оставить заявку в службе поддержки, обратиться к менеджерам за помощью или дорабатывать модулями,которые могут помочь вам через  месенджеры, групппу  ВКОНТАКТЕ и далее.

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- Telegram  +7-923-364-90-07

- В КОНТАКТЕ vk.com/maurisweb

- Электронная почта: info@maurisweb.ru

License type
  • Multi-Vendor ,
  • Multi-Vendor Plus ,
  • Multi-Vendor RUS ,
  • Multi-Vendor RUS Plus ,
  • Multi-Vendor RUS ULTIMATE ,
  • Multi-Vendor ULTIMATE
  • MySQL-5.7 ,
  • MySQL-8.0 ,
  • MariaDB-10.6 ,
  • Percona Server - 8.0
  • PHP 8.1 ,
  • PHP 8.0 ,
  • PHP 7.4
  • English ,
  • Русский
Compatibility with versions
  • 4.15 ,
  • 4.16 ,
  • 4.17 ,
  • 4.18

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