Checking and pre-moderation of sellers' products for CS-Cart Multi-Vendor


This product is electronically distributed.

License typeMulti-Vendor, Multi-Vendor RUS Plus , Multi-Vendor RUS ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor RUS , Multi-Vendor Plus , Multi-Vendor ULTIMATE MySQLMySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6, Percona Server - 8.0 PHPPHP 8.1, PHP 8.0, PHP 7.4 Compatibility with versions4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
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List price: 5 000  -40%
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Moderation of products for the marketplace

We have created an ideal tool for you to control the content of the product card – the Moderation of Goods module. It will not allow you to publish a product card in which the required fields are not filled in: name, marketplace category, description, image, weight, dimensions, characteristics. It allows you to flexibly configure the requirements for the product card for different tariffs. With it, you can control the quality of the content in the product cards.

Control tool

Sellers prefer to take the shortest path: quickly filled out the product card with basic information and threw it on the showcase. What else do you need?

But there are two cards for the same product from different sellers. But one made a good, informative product card, fully described it, put up good photos, indicated all the important characteristics. The second one simply filled in the fields with neutral text, put the first photos that came across, indicated only a couple of characteristics. And, quite logically, the first seller will have much more sales, because his product is easier to find by filter, and it is described better, it is immediately clear from the product card what and why you are buying.

Marketplace is a full–fledged replacement for a regular store. At the same time, it gives the buyer the opportunity to choose the really best option, rather than taking what is available in the available stores. And the product card in this case replaces a full-fledged consultation from the seller. And it should answer all the questions that the buyer may have.

The quality of filling out the product card is important not only to the seller, but also to the marketplace. A bad card reduces trust in the platform, not in the seller. And search engines are not asleep, and also evaluate the quality of content.

Moderation templates

Before starting work, you need to create a moderation template in which you specify which fields of the product card will be mandatory for publication. You can create different moderation templates for different tariffs and sellers. So, for some tariffs, filling in the weight and dimensions is mandatory, whereas for sellers who sell not material goods, but electronic or provide some services, dimensions in the product are not needed at all.

Moderation of new products

After the seller creates the product in any way, he gets to moderation. The moderation page is divided into several tabs for convenience:

  • Created: this includes new products, as well as products sent for publication after making changes;
  • Re-moderation: this includes products that have been modified, but the seller did not send them for publication again;
  • Rejected: list of rejected products;
  • Approved: list of approved products;
  • Deleted: A list of products that the seller has deleted.

All information about the product that needs to be checked before approval is collected in a convenient table that can be viewed with one glance. If filling in any fields does not meet the requirements, these fields are highlighted in red.

Description moderation

It is very important to carefully read the description of the goods. The seller may make mistakes when creating a product description, such as:

  • Generate a description from a list of characteristics;
  • Add your contact details, a link to the website, information about your promotions to the product description;
  • Provide incorrect product information;
  • Use content that violates laws (obscene language, pornographic materials, or calling for ethnic hatred, promoting drug use, and so on);
  • Include fake information on acute social and political topics in the description;
  • Insert a description in a foreign language…

The product, in the description of which at least one of these errors is made, cannot be published on the showcase categorically.

Moderation of characteristics

The characteristics must be correct and match the product. Strange, controversial characteristics are not allowed. For example, how can you evaluate the characteristics "From purple to turquoise", with the values "Yes" or "No"? And only a person can track such incorrect characteristics.

Notifications about the reason for rejection

When rejecting a product, the moderator can accompany it with a notification with information about the reason for rejection. The administrator sets up notification templates in advance for different cases: if the reason for the deviations is in the description, image, characteristics, and so on.

Template example: "The product description is not informative. Please complete the description."

We have prepared templates for almost all possible cases of product rejection. However, situations in life are different, and if you doubt something, you want to clarify something with the seller, then you can enter your question in a specially designated field.

Making changes to the product card

Ideally, the product card should be filled in once and then remain unchanged, or at least change as rarely as possible. In reality, the ideal is not achievable, and from time to time the seller must make changes: adds new photos, expands the description, introduces new characteristics.

An important point: you cannot show the buyer a product card in which the seller makes changes. Show changes that have not been checked by a moderator, too. Without prior moderation, it is permissible to change only the price and the remnants of the goods.

Therefore, the product that the seller is going to change is removed from publication. Only after that, the seller can make changes to the product card. After saving the new information, the product goes back to moderation. 

You will see a new product card and will be able to compare it with the previous one. You will be able to make sure that the changes made are necessary, qualitatively supplement and expand the information, and do not change it radically.

For example, if the seller expanded the description, made it more informative and selling, this is a clear improvement of the product card, and such a change can and should be approved. But if the seller adds a new characteristic, but at the same time indicates incorrect data, for example, writes that the product is white, although the color is black in the photo, you need to decide how to act in each specific situation. .

It is also unacceptable for the seller to radically change the information about the product or replace one product with another: the buyer is unlikely to be happy if, after clicking on the product in the order, he sees some Samsung in the place of the last iPhona.

And only if the moderator approves the changes made, the product will appear on the showcase again.

Updating products with import

The balances and the price of the goods can be updated regularly by importing a file with the necessary information. For mass editing of product information, you need to uncheck the "Automatic change of product information" in the import settings. In this case, the modified products will be removed from publication and sent for verification.

If the seller needs to update only the prices of goods and their balances, then the import is started with a check mark in this item. In this case, the products are not removed from publication.

Product statuses

The module prohibits the seller from changing the statuses of goods or deleting them. To remove the product from publication, it is enough for the seller to reset the balances. Only the marketplace administrator can change the real statuses of the product: enable, disable, hide.

The module also changes the logic of working with the removal of goods. The vendor still has the opportunity to delete the product, but after that it does not disappear from the list, but is transferred to the "Deleted" tab. Products from this tab are not displayed in the showcase.These items can be easily restored if necessary. Only the marketplace administrator can permanently delete the product. You can do this manually or automatically by specifying in the module settings the frequency of deleting products from the deleted list.

Compatible with CS-Cart modules

  • Advanced import;
  • CommerceML.

Compatible with Maurisweb modules

  • Import with moderation;
  • Importing categories;
  • Logistics;
  • Product card for the seller;
  • Creation of characteristics by the seller;
  • Category relationship;
  • Combining the values of characteristics.

In combination with the Logistics module, it prohibits the removal of goods that participated in sales.Firstly, the buyer should always be able to open the product card and check its description. Secondly, in this case, search engines will continue to bring buyers to the marketplace site, even if this particular product is not available.


Up-to-date information about changes in the module's functionality, as well as compatibility with other modules, is published in our Telegram channel and in the VKONTAKTE


You can submit a request to the support service, ask questions to the managers about the work or completion of the module via messengers, the groupVKONTAKTE and mail.

- WhatsApp +7-923-364-90-07

- Telegram

- Telegram  +7-923-364-90-07

- WhatsApp +7-923-364-90-07

- Telegram

- Telegram  +7-923-364-90-07


- E-mail:

Detailed step-by-step instructions for the module can be found in the "Instructions" section

License type
  • Multi-Vendor ,
  • Multi-Vendor Plus ,
  • Multi-Vendor RUS ,
  • Multi-Vendor RUS Plus ,
  • Multi-Vendor RUS ULTIMATE ,
  • Multi-Vendor ULTIMATE
  • MySQL-5.7 ,
  • MySQL-8.0 ,
  • MariaDB-10.6 ,
  • Percona Server - 8.0
  • PHP 8.1 ,
  • PHP 8.0 ,
  • PHP 7.4
  • English ,
  • Русский
Compatibility with versions
  • 4.15 ,
  • 4.16 ,
  • 4.17 ,
  • 4.18

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