Module import Queue CSV, XML, CommerceML (Moisklad, 1C, Class365)


The module arranges the order of importing files from CSV, XML, and CommerceML to reduce the load on the database.

This product is electronically distributed.

License typeMulti-Vendor RUS , Multi-Vendor ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor, Multi-Vendor Plus , Multi-Vendor RUS Plus , Multi-Vendor RUS ULTIMATE MySQLMySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6, Percona Server - 8.0 PHPPHP 8.1, PHP 8.0, PHP 7.4 Compatibility with versions4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
2 300 
List price: 3 500  -34%
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Module CSV, XML, YML, CommerceML Import Queue (1C, MoiSklad, Klass365 company programs)

The module forms a queue of import files received from sellers, preventing errors when writing to the database in parallel, and also eliminates server overload, reduces the risk of errors during parallel operation of several import modules.

How to arrange the import of goods from different sellers?

As the marketplace grows, the number of sellers increases, and, consequently, the number of goods. Most of them prefer to import information about their products in one of two ways:

  • Uploading a file in the format CSV - (A text format designed to represent tabular data);
  • Uploading a file in the format XML - (the files are written in a special markup language something similar to HTML web pages);
  • Uploading a file in the format YML - (Standard YML(Yandex Market Language) developed by Yandex and based on the XML standard);
  • Downloading a file from warehouse accounting programs in the format CommerceML – (Unified standard for the exchange of commercial information in XML format. The standard provides for the use of XML schemas, in particular, for the exchange of: product catalogs in catalog management systems.)

This is convenient for both the seller and the marketplace, allows you to download information about goods or update balances quickly and without unnecessary hassle and costs.

However, loading a large number of imports at the same time can cause several problems.

  • Firstly, when 10 processes access the database at the same time, overwrite the information in it, there is a high risk that errors will occur: some information will be distorted, some new data will not be saved or will be saved with errors.
  • Secondly, the buyer, opening the product card on the website, also initiates queries to the database. But several hundred parallel processes from the import module are accessing it at the same moment. This greatly reduces the response speed to the request. The buyer has to wait a long time for the product card to finally load. Many buyers will simply get tired of waiting and go to competitors. And this cannot be allowed in any way.

And if with 10 imports via files you can still do something by setting different file upload times in the settings. But when you have hundreds of them, and the seller himself does the unloading from his programs automatically, then the seller adjusts the frequency and timing of the unloading of his warehouse accounting program himself. And, most often, synchronization is set up at the beginning of the working day. And now dozens of sales managers come to work at 9 a.m., turn on their computers, and warehouse accounting programs begin to synchronize. Server resources will sink under the shaft of simultaneous requests.

Module functionality "CSV, XML, YML, CommerceML import queue (My Warehouse, 1C, Class365)

As a solution, we offer to buy and install the module "Import Queue".

The module queues up the import processes, one by one, which in itself reduces the load on the database. Only one file is uploaded at a time. The number of database accesses is limited, and the risk of errors is reduced.

In addition, the module regulates the start time of imports. You can set up regular automatic loading of imports for the time of the least load on the server from buyers.

If necessary, you can start loading imports in the queue manually by pressing the button. 


Up-to-date information about changes in the functionality of the module, as well as compatibility with other modules, is published in our Telegram channel and in the group VKONTAKTE


You can submit a request to the support service, ask questions to the managers about the work or completion of the module via messengers, the groupVKONTAKTE and mail.

- WhatsApp +7-923-364-90-07

- Telegram

- Telegram  +7-923-364-90-07


- E-mail:

Detailed step-by-step instructions for the module can be found in the "Instructions" section

License type
  • Multi-Vendor ,
  • Multi-Vendor Plus ,
  • Multi-Vendor RUS ,
  • Multi-Vendor RUS Plus ,
  • Multi-Vendor RUS ULTIMATE ,
  • Multi-Vendor ULTIMATE
  • MySQL-5.7 ,
  • MySQL-8.0 ,
  • MariaDB-10.6 ,
  • Percona Server - 8.0
  • PHP 8.1 ,
  • PHP 8.0 ,
  • PHP 7.4
  • English ,
  • Русский
Compatibility with versions
  • 4.15 ,
  • 4.16 ,
  • 4.17 ,
  • 4.18

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