Product Card Template: Variation of Products or Services for CS-Cart


This product is electronically distributed.

License typeCS-Cart , CS-Cart Ultimate MySQLMySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6, Percona Server - 8.0 PHPPHP 8.1, PHP 8.0, PHP 7.4 Compatibility with versions4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
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Module "Product card template: Variation of goods and/or services" for CS-Cart

Designed for those areas of entrepreneurial activity in which one product or service is found in different variants. It will be useful for business owners in tailoring, manufacturing of printing products, furniture production, providing educational or cosmetology services and many others.

Description of the module

Various characteristics of the product vary in different combinations, forming a mass possible options for the final product. This module allows you to form a ready-made offer for each item.


  • Sewing bags. Options with a handle, with embroidery, with accessories and so on in different combinations.

  • Printing house. The choice of density, size, quality of paper in various combinations.

  • Training – distance or full-time course, choice of subjects in the program, options for passing term papers and exams.

Technically , all options are created in the system warehouse accounting 1C and others, or you can import them via CSV or create them manually.

Module functionality

  • Changes the standard product profile for the convenience of step-by-step selection of parameters.

  • For each variation there is a possibility adding a separate banner to accurately describe the parameters.

  • Displaying characteristics in the form of a list or tile.

  • For each variation value ( tile display), you can add a separate image, description, headings H1-H4, that is, to introduce additional features into the description of each position search engine promotion, increasing the overall rating of the site and speeding up the filling of the page with text content.

  • Information about the cost of the product with the selected set of options is displayed on the right side and changes when switching to other options or another item.

  • The selected modifications are displayed on the side of the basket , plus the possibility appears upload a file that contains Technical specifications or design requirements, with the possibility of set a limit on the type of file extension.

The module is fully compatible with UniTheme in all editions of the CS-Cart platform.

Detailed step-by-step instructions for the module can be found at - section"Help"


Up-to-date information about changes in the functionality of the module, as well as compatibility with other modules, is published in our Telegram channel and in the group VKONTAKTE


You can submit a request to the support service, ask questions to the managers about the work or completion of the module via messengers, the groupVKONTAKTE and mail.

- WhatsApp +7-923-364-90-07

- Telegram

- Telegram  +7-923-364-90-07


- E-mail:

Detailed step-by-step instructions for the module can be found in the "Instructions" section

License type
  • CS-Cart ,
  • CS-Cart Ultimate
  • MySQL-5.7 ,
  • MySQL-8.0 ,
  • MariaDB-10.6 ,
  • Percona Server - 8.0
  • PHP 8.1 ,
  • PHP 8.0 ,
  • PHP 7.4
Compatibility with versions
  • 4.15 ,
  • 4.16 ,
  • 4.17 ,
  • 4.18

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