Courier service integration module Courier


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License typeMulti-Vendor RUS , Multi-Vendor ULTIMATE , Multi-Vendor RUS ULTIMATE , CS-Cart , CS-Cart Ultimate , Multi-Vendor, Multi-Vendor Plus , Multi-Vendor RUS Plus MySQLMySQL-5.7, MySQL-8.0, MariaDB-10.6, Percona Server - 8.0 PHPPHP 8.1, PHP 8.0, PHP 7.4 Кол-во транспортных компанийКУРЬЕРИСТ Compatibility with versions4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18
List price: 5 000 
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Courier service integration module Courier

The module integrates the Courier delivery service and allows you to:

  • make requests for delivery in one click,
  • receive up-to-date delivery statuses from the moment the application is placed until delivery,
  • provide the recipient with a service for tracking and managing the delivery of their order.

Delivery of orders in 4 hours by courier service Courier

The courier works in two capitals: Moscow and St. Petersburg and specializes in delivering orders day to day. As a rule, no more than 4 hours pass from the moment of delivery of the order to the courier service to delivery to the final buyer. During this time, the courier service processes the order, the courier arrives at your warehouse, picks up the cargo and delivers it to the recipient.

This speed of delivery allows you to significantly increase the number of sales – after all, other things being equal, buyers will choose a store where they can receive the goods right on the day of the order. In addition, there are many situations in life when it is critically important to get the goods today:

  • diapers and baby food are out, and it's inconvenient to go to the store with a baby,
  • the car broke down and new auto parts are urgently needed,
  • as always, your favorite cosmetics or lenses suddenly ran out,
  • was invited to a birthday party, but there is no time to run around the shops and look for a gift,
  • it turned out that my favorite sneakers were torn, and the workout would be in the evening

It is not difficult to choose the right product on the Internet today, and the Courier delivery service also allows you to receive the selected product on the same day.

The courier provides 2 delivery options:  

Along with the stated speed of delivery, the Courier provides a full range of services:

  • free pick-up of cargo from anywhere in the city,
  • delivery at a convenient interval,
  • order tracking by the recipient,
  • fitting and partial redemption,
  • payment of the order in cash or by card,
  • provision of a cash receipt,
  • free return of the goods in case of refusal.


Functionality of the courier service integration module Courier

Our module allows you to quickly and hassle-free integrate the Courier delivery service into your website. It automatically transfers orders and allows you to track the order path from the moment the order is confirmed to the delivery to the buyer. You will be able to manage delivery from your usual administrative panel of your website without going to the courier service website.

The buyer will also be able to track the order path. All the information necessary for this will come in a notification to your cell phone.

Execution of the contract on behalf of the marketplace or on behalf of the seller

Depending on the situation, you can work with the courier service Courier in any of two scenarios:

  • The contract is executed on behalf of the marketplace,
  • Each seller independently draws up the contract on his own behalf.

Execution of a contract with the courier service Courier on behalf of the marketplace

In this case, you enter into a contract with the courier service on your own behalf – this means that delivery management is carried out entirely on the side of the marketplace.

The buyer places and pays for the order. The marketplace receives information about the order and money, both for the product itself and for delivery.

Further, if the goods are stored in the warehouse of the marketplace, the warehouse staff collects and packages the order, and then passes it to the courier of the Courier. If the goods are stored in the seller's warehouse, then he receives information about the goods that need to be prepared. He completes and packages the order, and then brings the finished orders to the order acceptance point or calls a courier and transfers the order on behalf of the marketplace.

Execution of the contract with the courier service Courier on behalf of the seller

The calculation of the cost of delivery when placing an order by the buyer is not always really accurate. The fact is that the cost of delivery depends not only and not so much on the weight and dimensions of individual goods, as on the weight and dimensions of the packaged order. In addition, unfortunately, sellers do not always indicate the weight and dimensions of the goods in the product card correctly. The difference can be very significant – up to 30%. As a result, the marketplace may remain at a loss.

To avoid such situations, some marketplaces offer their sellers a different scheme of work: sellers independently draw up a contract with a courier service and make delivery free for the buyer. For this, the marketplace offers the seller discounts on its services or reduces the commission percentage.

The order is placed in the Courier automatically: after receiving the order, the marketplace calculates the approximate cost of the order for the seller. The seller completes the order, packs it and uploads data on the weight and dimensions of the packed order in his personal account, based on these data, the exact cost of delivery is calculated. After that, the application goes to the courier service.

The seller can track all stages of order delivery from the moment of delivery to the courier to delivery to the buyer.

Using a separate cargo space

Customers' orders often contain products of various sizes. In some cases, goods such as medium and large household appliances and other goods that do not require repacking are more convenient to issue a separate cargo package. To do this, the seller must indicate in the product card that it is delivered as a separate cargo place.

Default dimensions

Unfortunately, sellers are often dismissive of filling out the product card. As a result, many products simply do not have weight and dimensions specified, which makes it impossible to calculate the cost of delivery when ordering the goods.

In order for the buyer to receive a preliminary cost calculation, the module uses the default dimensions. They are indicated by the marketplace or the seller in the delivery method settings based on the average parameters of the goods in the assortment.

Restrictions on the weight and dimensions of the courier service Courier

Like any transport company, the Courier has its own restrictions on the weight and dimensions of goods that they do not deliver within the selected tariff. For the Courier it is:

  • weight not more than 15 kg
  • dimensions no more than 150 cm (length + height +width).

When placing an order, the buyer will see the delivery method from the Courier only if all the goods in the order fit into the specified dimensions.

Similarly, there is a check for the delivery address. Since the Courier works only in two cities: Moscow and St. Petersburg, residents of other cities simply will not see this courier service when placing an order.

Why do people choose a Kurerist

The courier works with such large companies as Detsky Mir, L'Etoile, Citylink, Sokolov and others. They are leaders in their segment, having a huge turnover of goods. And there is no doubt that such giants carefully select and control contractors, so their choice of a courier delivery service speaks of the high qualification and quality of work of this company.

This is confirmed by the highest rating based on 5 thousand reviews from end recipients on a variety of resources: Yandex.Maps, Google.Maps, 2Gis and others. More than 95% of them have a rating of 5 stars.

The courier delivers orders quickly, on time and without errors.


License type:
  • CS-Cart
  • CS-Cart Ultimate
  • Multi-Vendor
  • Multi-Vendor Plus
  • Multi-Vendor RUS
  • Multi-Vendor RUS Plus
  • Multi-Vendor RUS ULTIMATE
  • Multi-Vendor ULTIMATE
  • MySQL-5.7
  • MySQL-8.0
  • MariaDB-10.6
  • Percona Server - 8.0
  • PHP 8.1
  • PHP 8.0
  • PHP 7.4
Кол-во транспортных компаний:
  • English
  • Русский
Compatibility with versions:
  • 4.15
  • 4.16
  • 4.17
  • 4.18

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