CLOUDPAYMENTS + CLOUDKASSIR + An honest sign for an online store on CMS CS-CART
Online payment is one of the amenities provided by marketplaces and online stores. You can pay for the purchase immediately and then just wait for the goods to be delivered to you. However, it also has a number of drawbacks that often scare off both potential buyers and inconvenience the store. Most often, this is due to the need to go to the bank's website to pay for an order, the difficulties of returning funds, reporting, etc.
The solution we have developed builds interaction with CloudPayments– a Russian group of companies providing Internet Acquiring services. Its use makes it much easier to pay for purchases, increasing conversion and customer confidence.
CloudPayments: more than a payment system
The integration module of the CloudPayments + Cloud Kassir payment system, which solves the problem of financial interaction between the store owner, customers, the tax inspectorate and the "Honest Sign".
Module functionality
- Acceptance of payment for goods;
- Sending information to the OFD about the product and the type of contractual relationship (agent, commission agent, owner of the product);
- Sending to the "Honest Sign" information about the departure of the goods during the sale and its return to circulation in case of return by the buyer;
- Supports a one-stage payment scheme and a two-stage - Holding (from the English word hold – hold) freezing of funds, adding the ability to independently specify the freezing time on the buyer's checking account, from several hours to seven days.
- Sending a receipt and closing receipt;
- Cancellation of the operation in the ofd and refund to the buyer for the order;
- Order Editing (Beta)
Payment without going to the payment system's website
CloudPayments allows the buyer to pay for the goods without going to the bank's website or payment system. Technically, this is implemented on the side of the widget, in which the buyer enters all the data necessary for payment. The widget transmits this information to the bank via an encrypted secure protocol, which ensures complete security of payments.
Payment widget - a pop-up form for entering card details and the payer's e-mail address. The widget automatically detects the type of payment system: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro or MIR, as well as the issuing bank of the card and shows the corresponding logos. The form is optimized for use in all browsers and mobile devices. An iframe opens inside the widget, which guarantees the security of card data transmission and does not require TSP certification for use.
The widget is implemented in three visual solutions:



Advantages of payment without switching to third-party resources
- Bypassing IP blocking of Russian banks in some countries (EU, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia);
- No additional information burden on the client in the form of advertising additional services of the bank or payment system,
- Saving time, since you do not need to load extra pages and return to the online store's website after payment.
Apple Pay and Google Play
The module allows you to connect the Apple Pay and Google Pay payment systems. The connection of these services is configured individually in the CloudPayment personal account.
Mobile version of the widget
The module automatically determines the type of device from which the user makes the payment, and displays the most appropriate version of the widget: standard or mobile. For convenience, the mobile version is displayed in full-screen mode and immediately prompts the user to choose a payment method:
- Card;
- Apple Pay or Google Pay (depends on the device).
One-click payment - "Saving the card after payment"
An additional advantage of the CloudPayments module is the ability to pay in one click, for this the buyer must save the card data. At the same time, only partial information about the card number is stored on the site side, the rest of the data is stored on the CloudPayments service side, which allows you to ensure the security of data storage.
In the future, the buyer presses one button, confirming the desire to make a payment with this card. He will not have to re-enter the data. Moreover, the module allows you to enter several cards and payment systems into the system, and in the future, when paying for goods, choose the one that is most convenient at a particular time. At any time, the user can delete one card or all at once.
Localization of the widget
The default language is Russian, but it can be easily changed in the settings. At the moment, the widget supports the following languages:
- Russian;
- German;
- English;
- Latvian;
- Azerbaijani;
- Kazakh;
- Ukrainian;
- Polish;
- Vietnamese;
- Turkish;
- Portuguese;
- Spanish;
- Czech.
Cloud Kassir and FZ -54
According to the new version of FZ-54 dated 03.07.16, when selling goods via the Internet using electronic means of payment (including bank cards), you are required to comply with the same requirements as regular stores.Main provisions of the law
According to the provisions of the law FZ-54, you need to:
- Use a new-style cash register with a fiscal drive installed;
- Connect the cash register to the Internet;
- Conclude an agreement with the fiscal data operator to transfer data from the cash register online to the FSN;
- Specify all product items in the receipt: name, price, quantity, amount, VAT rate;
- Issue a receipt to the buyer at the time of payment (when selling via the Internet, the receipt is sent to an email address or phone number);
- Change the fiscal drive after expiration or as the memory fills up.
Online Fiscalization: Cloud Kassir
The CloudPayments service offers you a ready-made solution to this problem. Cloud Kassir is a cloud service for online fiscalization of Internet payments in compliance with the law FZ-54. When you connect to this service, an online cash register of one of two models is registered for your company: "Micropay-FAS" and "Micropay-FS" and a fiscal drive is connected to it.The ticket office will work around the clock, closing shifts according to the schedule. At the time of payment, it will automatically generate a receipt and send it to the buyer. With a high load, a queue of receipts will be created, but each of them will definitely get to the buyer.All the necessary information about all transactions is sent to the tax service in a timely manner. In addition to the amount, the receipt contains the TIN of the company and the form of its taxation.
Sending an online receipt to the buyer
The buyer chooses where to send the receipt: to an email address or in an SMS message to a phone number. Cloudpayments can automatically send receipts provided that the buyer's email address or phone number is transmitted. Or you send the receipt yourself, the system sends all the details in notifications.
Connection procedure
To receive the online fiscalization service, you must perform the following actions:
- Connect to the Cloud Kassir service;
- Get an electronic signature to work with the FSN website;
- Register in the personal account of the tax service;
- Sign an online fiscalization contract with Cloud Kassir.
List of available fiscal data operators
- LLC "PS ST";
- The first OFD;
- Taxcom;
- OFD platform;
- OFD-I;
- Yandex OFD;
- OFD guarantor;
- Astral OFD;
- TENSOR Company, LLC.
The list may change, check the information on the CloudPayments website.
List of currencies
• Russian Ruble • Belarusian Ruble • Euro; • US Dollar• * Canadian Dollar • Pound Sterling; • Ukrainian
Hryvnia; * Kazakh Tangeh • Azerbaijani Manat; • Swiss Franc; Czech Krona; * Swedish Krona• * Polish Zloty; • Turkish Lira; • Chinese Yuan; • Indian Rupee; * Brazilian Real; • South African Rand• * Uzbek Sum; • Bulgarian lev.
Integration scenarios
Module settings support the ability to select the attribute of the calculation method and the attribute of the calculation subject. Thanks to this, you can flexibly configure different payment methods and the sale of goods and services on a variety of conditions, taking into account all legal and financial nuances.
Possible signs of the calculation method:
• Prepayment; • Prepayment 100%; • Prepaid expense; • Full settlement• * Partial settlement and credit; • Transfer on credit; • Payment of the loan.
Possible signs of the subject of calculation:
• Product; • Excisable goods• * Work• * Service; • Gambling rate; • Gambling winnings• * Lottery ticket; • Providing RID; • Sales; * Agency remuneration• * Compound subject of calculation; • Other subject of calculation.
Checkout Script
The task of this script is to transfer data to a bank or payment system. He collects them in the appropriate fields, forms a cryptogram from them using the RSA algorithm. The key length is 2048 bits, which fully meets the standards of card data transmission. Thanks to this script, user data does not get to you, but do not forget that your site is also responsible for the security of the payment operation.
Holding (from the English word hold - hold)
A banking term denoting the following procedure: at the time of authorization of the bank card, the credit institution reserves the transaction amount for a certain period during which it expects settlements from the acquirer.
Up-to-date information about changes in the functionality of the module, as well as compatibility with other modules, is published in our Telegram channel and in the group VKONTAKTE
You can submit a request to the support service, ask questions to the managers about the work or completion of the module via messengers, the groupVKONTAKTE and mail.
- WhatsApp +7-923-364-90-07
- Telegram
- Telegram +7-923-364-90-07
- E-mail:
Detailed step-by-step instructions for the module can be found in the "Instructions" section